Best Protection in the World
The best protection in the world is not offered to the President of Russia or the Prime Minister of Israel. Learn how to achieve the best protection in the world
The best protection in the world is not offered to the President of Russia or the Prime Minister of Israel. Learn how to achieve the best protection in the world
If there is one thing that is common between the rich and the poor; the old and the young; the strong and the weak; the king and the peasant, it has to be the breath in our nostrils. But one day that breath will stop and we will meet our graves. Statistics tell us that…
Is there meaning in life? Who am I? Why am I here on this earth for? Is there more to life than this? Most of us would have asked such questions at some point of our lives. It is no wonder that the phrase Is There Meaning in Life is one of the most searched phrases on Google
We live in an imperfect world with imperfect people. It is human to make mistakes. None of us are perfect. We all, in some point in our lives have been let down or cheated by others, sometimes even by the ones dearest to us. Pain is something we all go through in life. We face problems almost every day
The war between Russia and Ukraine; rising crude oil prices; the COVID-19 pandemic; and economic crisis in different countries around the world. What’s next? Where is God in all of this? Certainly the events on earth have not taken God by surprise
In John chapter 6, we read about Jesus multiplying the five loaves and two fish to feed thousands. There is a powerful message in this chapter. In verse 12, Jesus commands his disciples to gather the left over pieces of loaves. In fact, Jesus is teaching us a lesson not to waste food
Ever wondered what motivated teenagers such as the German school boy Tim Kretschmer or the American students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold to commit such dastardly acts. These kids shot and killed their own classmates.
Does anyone care about me? I am lonely and nobody loves me. Do these thoughts float in your mind? What if I tell you that someone loves you very much that he gave his very best for you? Well, He is the creator of the heavens and the earth. He is the One who divided the Red Sea, so His people can pass through on dry ground